ENEMY INFESTATION Ripcord Games If all that festering infestation is getting too much for you, bang in these cheats for an easier time. To activate, type during the game and press Enter. gsaheal Gives all colonists full health gsaroof Removes roofs of all buildings so you can see inside gsaswap Allows you to control aliens gsakill Kills selected characters - best used in conjunction with previous cheat gsastop Stops aliens and colonists in their tracks. Type it again to switch off gsabog Creates a BOG weapon at the cursor. Pick it up for extra defence and the ability to lock doors gsaknifeCreates a knife weapon at the cursor. Pick it up to become invisible to aliens gsacmdr Creates a commander at the cursor Gsamedi Creates a medical officer at the cursor Gsaboff Creates a technician at the cursor gsawin Victory on that level, and skip to the next